About Us


Sri Kshetra Siddasiri Vadanbailu is originated by Sri Mahamathe Padmavathi Ammanavaru.  This originality is constituted by Huttha Padmavathi, Bale Padmavathi and Chaturmukha Padmavathi.  In addition to this newly constituted Ammanavara Basadi, Mukthinaga, Kshetrapala, Bhoothanatha, Mahasathi (Maasti) Sampathnaga, Yakshidevi and Chowdi Devathegalu.

The said Kshetra is performing Daily Pooja in the morning, afternoon and evening together with Annadaana, wherein many number of devotees are visiting regularly to have the blessings of Mahamathe Padmavathi.  For performing daily pooja, Annadana and maintenance expenses will be around Rs. 15,000 to 20,000 per day.

On behalf of the said Kshetra our humble request to all the Hon’ble devotees to donate at least Rs.1 per day or Rs.30 per month or as per their will and wish which will enable the Kshetra to continue the development activities for a long period without any break.

Our prayers to all the devotees for good health, peace and prosperity.


Away from city, the place is situated in the lap of mother nature. The holy place is in the midst of forest is the source of extraordinary happiness. No pollution zone, the pure air is endowed with healing power and is helpful in meditation as well. It is a good place for prayer, when Muni Shri Devanandhiji on 2010 visited and named as Siddagiri Kshetra. It becomes necessary to tell the route to the place as many devotees from different parts of India visit the place. The place is situated 8 Kms away to the west from the world famous "Jog Falls". One can come from Jog Falls or from the near by village kargal to the pilgrimage center. Kargal about 13 kms, Vadanbailu. Jog Falls 8 kms, Vadanbailu. Its about 175 kms from Hubli and 110 kms from Shivamogga. While coming from Jog Falls or Kargal one has to seek permission from A.G.M. (S) office of the K.P.C. (Karnataka Power Corporation).


In 2007 A.C. for the first time, I happened to hear the name of Vadanbailu, Owing to devotees explaination about the greatness of Vadanbailu. I wished to visit the place, atleast once. The wish I fulfilled in 2011 A.C. Not only to see got opportunity but more than this, I got opportunity to stay here during rainy season. I am getting opportunity to carry out my studies & meditation in this sacred place, In Bhagavati Aradhana, verse 560, we are told about some sacred places for "alochana" (One kind of repentence). Among the soured places rare the places of “Nega & Yaksha", From this it becomes evident that these places, in general, are sacred to the monks, too. Though there are many sacred places in India but, this place attracts me more than anyother.

Once, a family from Uttar Pradesh visited the place. The chief of the family requested me to make available a book about the place in Hindi language. When I started to write in Hindi, members of the pilgrimage center requested me to write in Kannada & English as well. Ouring to this in the tri-language book about the micaru once place. Neither, I have intelligency was of our ancestor monks nor I am well versed In different languages. With little knowledge, I have authored the book.

In this book the details about the piligrimage center are told. Also experience of devotees are included here in the experience care of those devotees who had lost hope in life. When they came near to the goddess they gained hope of happiness was well. Some people said to me that - “Jainism teaches karma- theory i.e., whatever good & bad befall on us is due to karma (material force cadhered to the soul) ; what could the hoddes do in this ?" Jain canons say that the function of karma owes to cause. Without cause karma alone is unable to yield fruits goddess too is among the causes. Due to this, I feel devendrakitriji the bhattraka of “Hombuja” monastery. During the ensheirnmout ceremony
here in this place in his speech he had said - "This Vadanbailu will become ‘Mini Hombuja". His well wish towards the place is worth remember. I have not seen him but, from many. I have heard about him that he was so good scholar. Most important to us is that we care ought to be appreciatees of virtues. Words of Henry Foed as famous industrialist of (ISA care worth to cite - He says "Dont find fault; seek remedy.” When we move seeking remedy fragrance of life keep on rising. I bestow my healthy blessings to Dharmadarshi Viira Rajayya Jainji. His contribution Is crucial in development of the place. I feel that such people care necessary in every piligrimage centres. I heartly bless him with the wish - may happiness, always be in his life. My heartly blessings care to the members of his family. Cooperation of the family members is praise worthy, We cannot forget Dr. D. Virendra Heggadji the Dharmadhikari of Dharmasthala. His co-operation is there for the development of this place. Let his partial co-operation attain fulness & may happiness reside in his life; to this, I heartly bless him. I expect him to always be in contact with the pilligrimage centre, Apart from these people, my heartly special blessings care to the devotees ; It is due to their devotion & co-operation popularity of the place is increasing day & night, co-operation of devotees is very important. One cannot imagine the popularity & development of the place without co-operation of devotees. Let, by the grace of Lord Parshwanatha & by greatness of the goddess, happiness reside In every one's life & let everybody's life be prosperous. It doesn't matter whether a devotee is rich or poor; what matters is, the devotion blended whit music spring from the bottom of the heart. Any thing offered out of devotion as such according to their capacity is priceless. Let everybody's life be prosperous, let all follow the path of religion & let all become appreciaters of virtue; this is my benevolence. Also I bless scholar V.T. Swamy. I availed of his book Siddhagiri Atishaya kshetra Vadanbailu' Important, is the Information about Hebbailu (Perbaillu). I am happy to see his exhertion & love to history. Doesnt a historian delight after seeing all historian ? He delights. I heartly bless him to carry on more research about the pilgrimage centre & to his prosperous life. I cannot a noted scholar nor I have full knowledge of various languages, then too I took chance authored the book, with my little knowledge. I hope readers will avail of the book. Whatever faults seen are of me & whatever good seen owe•to grace of Lord parshwamtha. If readers show the fault certainly I will think on them. I expect that the community, in future, will heartly co-operate me in my studies & research work.


A devotee of Lord Parshwanatha Muni Nami Sagar


Hebbailu (Perbaillu): An Historic Place

Vijayanagara empire is well known in the history of Karnataka. lts well known for its glory & administration. We know from historical evidence that 'Sagara' taluka was dominated by Vijayanagara empire. Before coming to keladi empire, Hebbailu was in Vilayanagara empire. The rulers of  Vijayanagara had donated this place & some other places to Chandappa Nayaka, the first Keladi ruler. We know from historical evidence that, before 10th century, Hebbailu was a Jaina centre. Also, we are told that the Padmavati temple of Hebbailu was a place of miracle. When the place was to be submerged by river sharavati due to Liganamakki dam, the miraculous image of Goddess Padmavati was  transfered to Vadanbailu. At present, the Image is situated in a large anthill.


Away from city, the place is situated In the broom of mother nature. The place is enveloped by forest is the source of extraordinary happiness. No sound pollution or environment pollution exist here. The pure air is endowed with heeling Power & is helpful in meditation as well. it Is a good place for prayer too. We are told that when Acharya Shri Devenandigi on April 14, 2010 visited the place on April 14, 2010; he had named the place as Siddhagiri Kshetra.



There is a temple here attributed to Lord 'Parshwanatha' the twenty third Foed- makers of the Jains. The installation of Shri Parshwanatha was done in 2007 under the auspices of shri 'Devendrakirtiji' the Bhattaraka of Hombuja monastery. The image, which is of white colour was donated by Manjunatha Sheta of Kemal. The image is in sitting posture.

There are other images of Ford - Makers (Tirthankaras) in the temple. The temple is a beautiful one. Cleanliness is well maintained here. Anointment & worship is done everyday. The tapering tower is beautiful & attractive. Its devotee feel tranquil while performing Pooja (worship).

Devotees are welcomed by elephants when they enter the temple. Though the elephants are artificial they look beautiful and seem as if they are calling people to see the lord. Welcomed by elephants the devotees happily enter the temple and Men worship the Lord. Come all, lets make ourselves holy by worshipping the lord.


We aere told from Jain canous that when monk 'Parshwanatha' was in meditation, a domon, who was his enemy in his previous births, started to inflict troubles to the monk. The enemy, who belonged to celestial world caused heavy rain to persist on the monk; upon him, the enemy let the demons (Pithachas) who vomited fire through their mouths. These and other troubles were Inflicted by the demon. This continued till a week despite these, the monk was not stirred. What happened after this is nicely told by Dr. Heinrich Zimmer: 'The whole subterranean domain of the serpent supporting the earth began to tremble and the great Dharanendra, "King of Earth' said to his consort, the goddess Padmavati: "That composionate Lord to whose sweet teachings at the time of our death we owe our splendour is in danger" The two came, made obeisanse to the Lord, who remained unaware of the arrival and stationing themselves at either side of him...... Dharnendra, out of deep devotion, spread out his hands and then the torrent did not touch the Lord's body. Now, what about the Goddess ? She did not lag behind and immediately enveloped the Lord by an umbrella of adament. After some time, the Lord became omniscient. The enemy refuge at the lord, giving up his enmity.

Vadanbailu is the place of this grate goddess, who did not lag behind in serving the lord after knowing that Dharanendra had already averted the trouble by spreading his hoods. Thousands of devotees throning here is increasing day by day. The image of the Goddess which was transfered from Hebbailu to the pilgrimage, is lying on the self evolved ant hill, which started to develop and at present has turned out to a huge at hill. The whole or anthill is covered by bangles submitted by devotees after their wish fulfilled. Only by close observation we can see the anthill. Other things such as saree, Naga images are also submitted. The miracle of the goddess is such that many temples are averted easily. I have personally seen many devotees who have told me about getting rid of their troubles. Tuesday, Friday &  the new moon day are considered special here; we can see special power of the goddess, On these days the attendance is more than usual. We could see the power of goddess even where the modem medical science fails. It Is true that the goddess always exherts to avert troubles of her devotees. This compassionate exhertion of the goddess Is - praise worthy. It is said that celestials are assays indulged in sensual enjoyment but, by seeing the work of this goddess, I feel it difficult to accept as such. Let us avail of the goddess.



There is a huge Naga image in the pilgrimage centre. We are told that the image is attributed to Dharanendra. The image reminds us of Adishesha. The image is 7 feet 7 inch in height and weights 77 quintal. The lineage of Dharnendras, as we see in canons, is always involved in auspicious works.

We are told about one Dharnendra at the time of the first Ford maker Vrishabdeva. The intention is to show how the Gods served the religion of conquered.

When monk Wishabhdey stood in meditation, princes Nami & Vinami came to the mark and told their wish - 'You have bestowed kingdom to Bharat & others but, you have forgot us. So give us our share. In this manner they started to disturb the meditation. Dharnendra, knowing this came out fears the Naga loka. He came near the princess and after same conversation the princes was happy. Dharnendra told them that the lord has told me what to bestow on people. Come with me. He made them the kings of Northern and Southern regions of Vijayardha parvata respectively. The logic of Dharnendra is very important here. There was a possibility of decline in devotion towards the Lord if the princess would not have got anything. One should not forget that the age was a materialistic one. The credit of warding off the problem goes to Dhonendra. These and other instances are testimony to Dharnendras being involved in service to religion. The religious zeal and gratefulness of present Dharnendra is well known to us. The image of such a religions god was installed In 2010. This is helpful in warding off the vice of Naga (Naga dooka). This Is gaining popularity among devotees. Those who have Naga-dosha they are told to Curcumambulate 108 times the temples and anoint 11 litres of milk, 108 times. By this the vice averts, say the people. We see many people performing the rites. (Nagar image, fig. no.6).

The seven hood serpent delights the devotees, when they see It. Also, devotees are wondered to see he image. Let all awail of Dharnendra.



There is an image of Bhuta deva much is known about this Bhutappa. One can remember the worship of Acharya Bhutabali, one of the redntors of Shatichandagama, by the celestials of Bhuta group.

This Bhutappa might be concerned to the same group, Money related problems are solved here. This and to other critical problems devotees seek help from Bhutappa. People offer pumpkin and saffron to Bhutappa. This is done after the wish is fulfilled.



One more speciality of the place is four face temple of the goddess. Some scholars and I feel that this will be the first four face temple of the goddess in Karnataka. I have not yet seen a temple like this. This is the subject of curiousity to us people who are interested in history. (Four face temple, fig)



  • G.S. Brahma prokash, Bangalore
  • Ratnapal A. Shetty, Advocate, Hubli
  • T. A. Parshwanath Anikar, Tumkur
  • Kalappana Avade, Kolhapur
  • Sanjay Patil, Belgaum
  • Padmavati muttin, Chadchan
  • Rajmadi Naminath Muttin, Bijapur
  • Sou. Kumadani Mughraj Malgatti, Ugar
  • Vijay Padmaraj Dharnandra Prasadnavar
  • Devendrappa badmappa Kagenavar, Chabbi
  • Late B. Halappa Koushelyammanaver & Sons, Sagar
  • Mohan Anant Naik Haldipur (Goa)
  • Harahal Bhairav Shet, Kolhapur
  • Rajendra Halagi, Goa
  • Shripal Annappa Dattwad
  • Kanchan Kuber Chivate, Kolhapur
  • Bhorulal Family, Bangalore


Donators for three images are waiting, The chief of the pilgrimage centre is of be opinion that if we get these images soon, the installation too would be done as early as possible. Co-operation of devotees is expected to accomplish this.

One question that might arise here is what is the necessity of four face temple? When enquired about it, I came to know that goddess herself wished it. The reason for this is that the site of the lord will fall upon her and more important is that she could see the lord from her original place. Is there any devotee who does'nt. like the sight of the lord to fall on him ? Everybody like it and feel it was a great fortune. The deity wished this fortune. Also, whenever the doors of temple are open she could see the Lord. This is a great fortune for it is very auspicious to see the Lord often. One more reason, as per my opinion, could be that the goddess, perhaps as the wish to cast her sight on the family which worship her. From centuries worshipping the goddess is a ritual. They call the lord as 'Swami". Is there anybody who does'nt like to see the devotees of his lord ? i.e. everybody likes to See. Is this a poet's imagination ? The remaining directions are east & north, These are considered as auspicious directions and hence the two faces become essential. One can see the lord as well as the lamp from the four face temple.



Scholar Saint Shri Chaturvijayji of Swetambar Saint of the Jainas was cremated here. He died in Bangalore. It was his wish he should be cremated In Vadainbailu. He was born In march 1940 and died on 5/6/2008.



People here call this as "Huttada Prasade". People have great faith In this. It is experience of many that the prasad of anthill (Soil of Anthill) is able to cure many diseases. I was filled with wonder when told by the people about the healing power of the soil.



The fair is held on the New moon day of Jinaratri (Shivaratri). Followers of all the religions visit the fair. Not only at fair but, in general, people of all religions seek blessings of the goddess. To follow with great devotion One's religion along with Tolerance to other religions is praised everywhere. We see this in Vadanbailu. One of the devotees of the goddess had donated a sliver planquin, which is used in the procession. Planquin was donated by desciple of saint Matisarji. The fair was tradionally there on 1968 Dharmadarshi Vira Rajayya Jain pushed it forwad. I have not seen the fair but, when the viewers explain about that I feel that people are happy in the fair.



There Is a temple attributed to kshetrapala. The Image of kshetrapala is of black stone. He is in standing posture. (Fig. no. kshetrapala)








Experience of some people are given below. These are the desperate people came to the goddess in the hope of happiness. She did not discourage them.

1) Salutation to his holiness Shirji. Date: 26/08/11

I would like to share my experience about Vadanbailu. I am coming to this place from 1992-93. 18.-19 years before there were many problems in our house. Problems Inflicted by evilspirits, vice of serpent of kalasarpa dosha were the troubles we were facing. Our family had become weak by the troubles. By blessing of Mother goddess Padmavati, all the problems averted. Evil spirits enveloped women. The goddess caused to avert this trouble by Bhutappa. We were in very much tension regarding the marriage of our sister but the goddess accomplished this. When the Kalasarpa dosha of our younger brother was averted, he got married.



Many works were blessed by the boon. If mother gives it to cure disease, it cures. If she gives it to accomplish a task, it happens. If she gives it to evert the infliction of evil spirits, it averts. If she gives it to keep with you daily for good knowledge, they develop. It Is effective in getting rid of madness, too. That's why the boon is a medicine to all the diseases.


Jayaprakash Ram Naik

Post : Kyadagi Bellumane

Tq -  Siddhapur (Uttar kannada district)


2) Date 26-8-12
I, Ashwini Raja khanapur, age 21, resident of 1389/2 Basavana Galli, Belgavi (Belgaum). Earlier when I spoke, I used to slutter it troubled my very much. After seeking blessings from Vadanbailu Padmavati there is lot of development in my speech.

Ashwini Khanapur

I personally had conversation with Ashwini during her visit to the pilgrimage with her father, I also spoke with Jayaprakash.


3) Salutation to Padmavati Date 30.8-12

My son Nagaraja's voice had diminished. Two months before, I took blessings of mother Padmavati devi and did as the revered grandfather told. The voice of son is normal. I feel happy to inform this.

J. Devendrappa

Huvina Hadagali. (D)strict Bellary)

Both father and son spoke with me.


4) Date: 31-08-11

I told to Shri Namisagar Mahamuniji that



Ganapati Eragauda Dasuru

Post - Lambaura

Tq - Siddhapura (U.K.) .

............ about 21 years back, my birth place, I came to dasara and planted a frove of beetul nut. I had no problems till about 10 years. Suddenly my life became mossel to many troubles. Every member of the family had problems. In this particular instance we left the house and the village as well and lived in a different village.

After that, I happened to hear about the greatness of Vadanbailu from devotees who visited the place. Hearing this I went there. First by the boon of anthill by the guidance of Dharmadarshi shri Virrajayya Jain we returned to our village. By periodical visits to Vadanbailu, with faith and mother we have no problem as earlier. Now by the blessing of mother everything is going well.


5) SalutatIon to goddess Padmavati

I am an employee in K.P.C. for 34 years. In 1998, I was transferred to Joga office from Ambikanagar.  After 1-2 years I gave money to somebody. He did not returned the money. By help of my offfice mates I visited this place. From then good days came to me. I told to Bhutaraja about my money. After  1-2 years money returned to me through the pecieptor.

My daughter was In deep pain after the death of her baby. Her survival was doubtful. By compassion of the goddess & grace of Bhutaraj the pain everted and now by grace of Mukti Nage there is a son of 11 months. I, my daughter, My son-in-law and my grandson, all are living happily by grace of goddess. I pray to mother Shri Padmavati that she be Stow upon us, prosperity, well being, and fulfill our desires. We Seek her versatile protection by auspiclous blessings of Mother padmavati.

Mrs. Chandrakanti & Family, Joga


I, the son Jalayya Hagare, was a driver of Devayya's jeep. Devayya is the younger brother of the chairman. Once he told me - Jinnu the enshrinement ceremony should be done in our Temple, we need 4 lakh, I have saved last year's money earned from bettal nut. Including this year's wouId be sufficient.

When we went to tell about the enshrinement to the swamiji of Hombuja, he said- The enshrinement ceremony (Pancha kalyanaka) is not so small work, 5 day programme is must. The methods of worship must be carried out properly. This is not so easy, Is this possible for you ? To this, the chairman said - If the grace of goddess is there then the work is possible, master. Shriji told that after the enshrinement everyday emointment is must, you have to appoint a priest, think and do, otherwise we will do only a simple installation, think and then tell me what you wish to do. The chairman said there is nothing to think. I am ready to hear any price to serve the lord and the goddess for ever. Your order and blessing is enough for me. Subscribing the chairman shriji said that my heartly blessings are there for you, Let Lord Parshwanattia, mother goddess Padmavatl bestow longer health and wealth to you thus I pray. After getting blessings from shriji we went to meet Dharmadikari of Dharmasthala. He sald "My blessings are always with You".

Preparation for the enshrinement ceremony commenced. it's not easy to collect money. To collect money we thought to visit house to house, to travel place to place and to travel the state to request devotees to co-operate us for the enshrinement ceremony, monetary and moral. For this we went to Sagar, From there we decided to visit Tumkur, Though we decided, does the vehicle run by water ? No. We people thought that is it possible for us to afford the cost to run the vehicle; Anyhow we three managed this by our less money. In Tumkur, from the co-religionists, we got monetary support. When we were to return, the chairman, with a sigh said - To afford the cost of one vehicle is as to bear a huge elephant. Seeing this I thought that, how could the chairman develop the pilgrimage center ? The developernent of the pilgrimage centre has become challenge to my question.

This description could seem ordinary to the readers. This is the picture of Dharmadars his experience of pains enroute to the prosperity of the pilgrimage centre.


Jinadatta Jain Hagare



Due to the rising popularity of the pilgrimage centre much is ought to be done here. A Sabha Bhavana (meetIng hall) is necessary. A large new dining hall is under construction, its near about to finish. Near to this 8 rooms are under construction. It will be more convinient to devotees if the dining hall and the rooms are ready asearly as possible. There is a plan to build a chandrashala before the temple. One more plan of importance is of a tunnel. The tunnel will commence from the temple and will end at the four face temple. This will add to the beauty of the place and will save people from rain, heat and besides, there is a plan to build a meditation hall. The visiting devotees can avail by meditating here. Meditation will enable them to develop their mental power. Meditation is crueital in this circumstance of distress. Psychologists too prescribe this. A boundary is also very necessary.

Heartly co-operation of devotees is very essential to accomplish all these things. Let us all co-operate for the development of the Pilgrimage centre. (See fig. no. 11 & 12)



He a simple person. His life started with atheism end has merged In theirs. He had no faith in god. Once he told me that, "My atheism was very different one; total antagonistic to".  About how he turn to theism, he told me, "During the influence of the goddess I became theist". I always carefully watch this person. He seldom looks like a chief. He always looks like a devotee. He welcomes the visiting devotees; make arrangement for sustenance. He says "Anybody who comes here should not go without food". This thought is praisen worthy. There are some specialities which I have seen in him.

First is he is curteous. I have seen many people who are curteous and many opposite to this. There are many people who tell something and do something else Jainji is different away from this. Sometimes he asks us to do something and he too does this with courtesy.

Second is little special. Now a days it has become a common trend to comment or to say unwanted things about saints. Jain canans prohibit this. Jainji is far away from comments or saying unwanted things about saints. In general, he respects everybody. This qualify is worth to follow. Jainji says- "Saints should take care of themselves, to find fault in them is not our work. It is not good to float our mind in subjects not concerned to us". Its worth understanding. Many people would waste their valuable time in doing this useless thing. Instead of this Jainji utilizes his time in devotion to the Lord, and service to saints. My heartly blessings are for his longetivity and to help others.

Besides him, my hearty blessings are to whole of the family. In development of the place, everybody's co-operation,  direct or indirect, is there. We cannot discard It. I have seen the elders and the youngsters; whether he is Devanna the younger brother of Jainji or Chandranna, the son of Jainji or any other member of the family all are courteous. They have good faith in the pilgrimage centre. I heartly bless the family for its prosperous life. Let more service be done, in future, by the family I heartly bless the family, for this.